Week of Prayer 2023 - Alive Belfast

Join us for 5 mornings and two nights of prayer for Alive Belfast.

The week of prayer for Alive Belfast begins Monday 21st August and runs to Friday 25th August.

We've a prayer meeting each morning from 7:00am - 8:00am. If you need to leave during the service to get to work, that's fine. If you can stay afterwards then there is also tea and coffee available, both to eat in and to take-away.

We'll be praying particularly for our loved ones, and those in our streets and communities who have not yet come to know the Lord as their Saviour, as we ask the Lord to bless and draw men and women to Himself during our Alive Belfast mission.

Our Monday night and Wednesday night services will both be prayer meetings, and our Monday night online time of prayer will also be focusing on asking the Lord for those who need His salvation. Both midweek services are at 8pm.

Alive Belfast begins on Friday 15th September, and finishes on Monday 18th September, and we're delighted to have Pastor David Ham ministering again this year. Keep those dates in your diary and plan to come along each night, and bring someone with you.

[email protected]
++44 28 9077 7074

Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle
837 Shore Road
BT15 4HS
Northern Ireland